Winter Weather Advisory

July Stories

>> Monday, August 5, 2013

If you take a look at the long range forecast for August, there is one day of a predicted high above 85.  While that might not be accurate it does indicate a cooler trend for the month.  For a little perspective last August had 17 days in Reading reach at least 86 degrees.  Only once did the high last August not reach 80 and four nights got into the 50's.  We already hit the 50's three times in July, something that happened exactly zero times last July.  Moral of the story is enjoy this very nice weather.

Onto news and events.  I will try to keep it brief.

1.)  The western plains is well known for being a prime spot for hailstorms as thunderstorms build and cross over the mountains dumping inches of hail on communities at higher elevations east of the mountains.  It happens every year.  This time it was Santa Rosa, New Mexico that took a hit.  A hit of over a foot.  It's like winter in July only not really and a massive pain.

2.)  I've stayed away from a lot of stories about people leaving animals or children in hot cars but this one is too good to pass up and is short.  A Wisconsin couple will face charges after leaving their 9 month old child in a hot car for at least 20 minutes while they were shopping... for sex toys.  While it doesn't sound like something intelligent people would do, the law abiding couple explained to the police that they left him in the car because no one under 18 is allowed inside. 

3.)  I spent a lot of time talking about the Joplin tornado when it first occurred and now find myself continually talking about something going on because of the storm.  I think this is the second time I've had Joplin mentioned in my weather story section.  As people continue to rebuild and resume life, the storm unearthed lead-contaminated soil from much of the disaster area.  Topsoil was covering old mining fields used over 100 years ago.  When structures and trees were uprooted, lead the size of rocks came to the surface along with other waste from the mines.  Nearly half of the approximately 1,000 yards of soil tested came back positive and will have to be excavated.  It has now been over two years since the tornado struck.



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