Winter Weather Advisory

Summer Rainfall Champion

>> Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It wasn't really a competition as much as something to track during the months it isn't snowing.  I picked five random cities before summer started and tracked their monthly rainfall for June, July, August and September.  The numbers were tallied and the winner is...


The city of brotherly love finished with an incredible 32.96 inches over the four month span.  That would average out to over 8 inches a month and about 8 inches less than a normal yearly average.  This is the first championship the city has won in any weather category since they took down the windiest autumn back in 1967.

Here are the final results from last to first.

5.  Des Moines: 7.59

4.  Portland: 7.75

3.  Baton Rouge:   21.38

2.  Savannah:   29.41

1.  Philadelphia:  32.96


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