Winter Weather Advisory

Get Out

>> Sunday, May 5, 2013

With the optimal weather conditions we have been experiencing lately the theme has been to get outside.  A beautiful day should not be wasted sitting inside watching television or aimlessly perusing the internet.  There are ample amounts of activities that can be done with little more than a willingness.  That's why on a whim, I decided to dust off the bike and get out.

I can't remember the last time I was out.  My guess would be October.  The low tire pressure would probably agree.  Nevertheless I was intrigued to get back on and couldn't ask for a better day.  In between runs, running hikes, gym workouts and hockey games I assumed my legs would be up for the peddling motion that had been avoided for the past six months.  Sitting on a narrow seat with your back at an awkward angle could be a different story.  Which is why it is better to get back in the game slowly after a prolonged absence.  In keeping with normal tradition, that is exactly what I did.

With the tires inflated, water in the bottle and gear on my back I headed out with a plan in mind that I had conjured up a few hours before.  How far I would go or care to go would really be the question.  On such a nice day you can get quite lost in the ride and the sights.  With little preparation, time would also be a determining factor since like a run, as far out as you go you still have to come back.  And returning in the dark was not on the list.

The initial first few miles felt very good.  And of course I wasn't taking it that easy.  A pair of bicycle shorts might end up on my list of things to get since the seat can start to feel like a rock.  Most times you don't take much notice.  It's more about being out in nature and getting the most that you can from the day.  Two hours after I first set out, I ended up here.

Yes, that's the Rocky statue.  In front of the Art Museum.  In Philadelphia.  Like I said, you have to take things slowly when you first get back out there.  Or you take my approach and totally disregard that logic.

This was my turn around point.  One because with the 15 lanes of traffic in that part of town there was no point in going further.  Two, the area for obvious reasons becomes very touristy.  Buses were stopping to let people out, other people were on a site seeing tour of the city and others were renting bikes near the boathouse.  Let's say it got congested.  Even the people in the picture above were waiting in long lines to get a picture.  And my last reason being very important was I still had at least a two hour bike back to my point of origin.

I made it back out of the crowded streets and past the boat houses where I finally pulled off to the side for a bit of a breather.  Alongside the river I got a picture of all the rowing teams out and about.

I would have waited for them to get closer but my break lasted all of a few minutes since I knew the ride back would become a bit more of a challenge.  It actually wasn't as bad as I thought.  I never stopped except to drink water or fill my bottle back up from a fountain.  I enjoyed the ride back almost as much as the ride down to the city even though there was much less to look at.  It even took me about the same amount of time to get back which really surprised me. 

The last two to three miles was the point where I started to feel it in my legs.  Up until then I had been going at a steady pace for the entire trip up and back.  Now it was starting to get to me as was my back from leaning over the bars.  When I considered stopping for rest I knew I had only a mile or so to go and continued on.

The ride ended up being about 46 or 47 miles according to markers.  I was gone for almost exactly four hours.  Realistically my timing and prep work could have been better.  Either way it was a blast.  Not to mention at least twice as far if not more of what I would be accustom to do.

Great way to spend a day.  Tired me out and left me a bit sore.  Next time I'll plan a little better and include more stops to really take in everything without having to crunch for time.  There will definitely be a next time.



Anonymous,  May 6, 2013 at 8:06 AM  


Trusting you found a SAFE bike path to get you there and street riding!

Very impressed! Just BE SAFE!


Anonymous,  May 6, 2013 at 8:49 AM  

R. David - Very impressive! Keep the helmet on no matter what.

And you know what, I've never seen the Rocky statue.


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