Winter Weather Advisory

It's Spring

>> Friday, March 20, 2015

In honor of this day, Happy Spring from the historic district of Bethlehem.

And one from by bedroom

Finally tally here on this very first day of spring is 6.1 inches.  New seasonal total for winter is sitting at 49.7 inches.  I'm going to start getting used to this if every winter sees these kinds of totals.

Question is can we get to 50.  Yes.  Mind you, as unlikely as it might be to get another storm late in the season of this magnitude as the days get longer, we are on the cusp of yet again cracking the top 10 snowiest recorded winters.  Take a gander to the right at the yellow figures to compare.

Don't be surprised to see snow next weekend.  This is my kind of spring. 


Anonymous,  March 21, 2015 at 8:38 AM  

RD-Excellent pictures! Aside from the long commute to work you made a good choice!

We need new records to break . . . like the "warmest" winter or the winter with the "least amount of snow." Those are records I could support!


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