Winter Weather Advisory

Wicked Weather

>> Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Like I always say, if you don't like the weather here, go somewhere else for a couple weeks and get back to me. Try Dallas, Texas. The lowest temperature they experienced in July was 98, once. Only two other days were below 100. Thought we were dry? They got one hundredth of an inch of rain during the month. In other words, they got nothing. A new month has brought more of the same. In fact, Dallas hit at least 106 during 6 of the first 8 days. Something that happened only once in July. That area of the country is absolutely baking.

Then I saw an article about the Mount Baker highway in Washington which was finally opened up to the visiting center this week. It had been closed since winter because of snowfall. In fact, it was decided that the entire road will not be plowed due to upwards of 30 feet of snow still on the road.

And just today I saw the first predicted snow map for the upcoming season. Normally I would be excited, but since Joe Bastardi and his unusual ability to predict long-range weather left Accuweather, I am hesitant on believing anything. Quite frankly with the way things are going, you should probably expect just about anything. And by anything I mean something more than nothing. Easy to follow, right?


Anonymous,  August 10, 2011 at 7:34 AM  

RD-maybe your article should have been entitled "Wacky Wicked Weather."


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