Flooding Rain Update
>> Wednesday, September 7, 2011
It would only seem fitting that the day after I make a post about a rain total race, certain areas get walloped with rain today. Judging by the radar it looked like the two cities at the bottom of the list, Reading and Lancaster hard hits. I know I had a blast driving home from work today.
First some updates from Tuesday.
Reading makes a strong jump up from 8.7 inches to 11.01
Lancaster clears the 10 inch barrier and moves to 10.27 (I expect a very big leap from today's rain)
Allentown will certainly move past 20 inches when totals come out. They move up to 18.03.
Philadelphia becomes the first to break the 20 mark and currently sit at 21.54 inches.
Harrisburg was a bit on the shorter end moving up to 12.92.
Totals will rocket up tomorrow. I have already seen reports coming out from some of the places above that put them upwards of five inches for the day. I wasn't quite expecting the amount of flooding I witnessed today. Perhaps it was just bad timing as I left work right after extremely heavy rain but those back roads we take due to a bridge being out were not in good condition. Probably was the first time I can recall being nervous. It seemed like every 25 yards the road was taken over by moving water coming down from the rolling hills. In some places I didn't even know where it was coming from. It was everywhere. Even when I finally got to a busier road it was flooded in spots. I went for a run as the rain had stopped and waters went down. People were out and about checking out the local creeks. I ran over the first bridge that houses the creek behind my house and you could tell it went over the road. Even a giant tree trunk was sitting next to the bridge. The larger creek completely closed the road as spectators gathered on the bridge to watch.
More heavy rain and thunderstorms are riding the track northward right now. I'd expect to see some large totals of rain tomorrow. Maybe somebody even hits six inches.
To answer view questions, I haven't read about any winter predictions yet. Joe Bastardi is usually my go to guy as his predictions have been very accurate. This is the first year he is not with AccuWeather and now works for a site that require a fee. The only things I have seen are predictions for an average winter so far. I will keep checking for updates from credible people. None of those sources include the local duds.
And if all this rain over the last month and one week had been snow, well we would have blown away all records. The general rule is one inch of rain is equal to 10 inches of snow. So in just over one month, Philadelphia would be sitting under roughly 215 inches of snow. That's even too much for me.
RD-I'm sure I don't have to remind you or your readers about water on roadways...
You'd better keep checking your basement for seepage!
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