Winter Weather Advisory

Snow Run Combo

>> Sunday, November 25, 2012

There is a chance I might be able to predict future snow events based off when my next run will be.  Saturday saw a steady stream of lake enhanced snow activity between bouts of light snow and heavy flurries that lasted for a good portion of the day in State College (best video I could get below).  Looking at past radar indicated that snow also was flying locally here as well.   And this morning I was off to tackle the hills of French Creek for a 15k trail run.

Normally this would be nothing out of the ordinary except the next chance, or in this case, the next snowfall looks to be coming early Tuesday morning.  Again, it is late November and snow is not out of the norm.  Except once again, I have a run the next day.  Is there a chance that if I  take all the running dates from now until March and use the date before, that will be the day of a snowfall?  It is completely meaningless but let's see how it goes.

Now onto the snow.  It would appear we will be getting our first measurable snow of the season on Tuesday.  The storm played a lot of tricks within the models and I'm sure there could be another trick to come in the next 36 hours.  However, the storm doesn't bomb out over the ocean and kick back moisture so instead a smaller area will all see a general 2 inch amount.  I would expect a bunch of winter weather advisories to go up tomorrow.

As we slowly pull away from November one trend that began and ended the month is the below normal temperatures.  I know it might seem odd but the average high for a day like today is 49.  The highest we got was 39.  And every day for the rest of the month is predicted to be below normal for high and low temperatures.

NAO stays negative straight through the first week of November.  Things look pretty quiet after this small snow event Tuesday.  Things start getting more active closer towards the 8th-10th of December.  Clearly that is too far away to care about right now.

We are a bit behind on our snowcast like we did last year as every Philadelphia station has put in their totals for the year.  I will get all of these up as well as those of other sources shortly including my guess for this area.  I will also add a couple other little games off to the side to play while we watch this winter unfold.  Again, those will be explained in an upcoming post probably tomorrow.


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