Winter Weather Advisory


>> Sunday, July 31, 2016

With the rainfall yesterday Allentown passed the five inch mark and for good measure decided to pass the six inch mark too.  There is another three hours left to see how much more can be added to the monthly total.

I arrived home about 30 minutes ago from the Reading area.  When I left it was warm and sunny as it has been most of the day in that part of the state.  The northern and especially eastern parts of the area have been bouncing back and forth between scattered showers.  It's been one of those months.  Tonight was more of the same.  The closer I got to Allentown the darker the sky became.  It started as large building clouds from a distance.  Then a steady rain started.  You wouldn't have guessed I started my drive with sunny and blue skies.

This same cell has been sitting over us for 20 minutes barely moving.  Most of the rain is missing the airport so it is unlikely this data will be collected.  Might at least make for an interesting night as more storms begin to take shape.  Updates to follow.

UPDATE 1:  40 Minutes have passed since that radar image above was captured.  Here is what it looks like now.  Very little movement.


Anonymous,  July 31, 2016 at 10:17 PM  

RD-Good graphics and good narrative. We had rain on and off all day...mostly in the AM. Got out this afternoon around 2pm to "walk the hill." Very muggy!

I, too, check the radar on a regular basis and watch the cells glide thru the area. Fortunately, they don't linger, like the one over you.

Good luck with your commute in the AM. Don't drive thru standing water!


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