Winter Weather Advisory

It's Official

>> Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Like first seeing my breath in the morning, another precursor to winter can be marked off the list.  First time the word snow has entered the forecast.  This year we can mark it down on October 26th as you can see below in the forecast from The Weather Channel for Allentown.

Now the last thing to cross off the list will be to actually see it snow.  Doesn't matter if it coats the ground, sticks to nothing or if it's a passing flake.  Snow is snow and I think many in our area will be seeing something before the month is out.

Got to admit the boys on the weather page I follow have been talking about this storm system for probably three weeks.  Most of the people on the page are very well informed amateur weather followers much like me.  That's an understatement.  They generally really know what they are talking about and have access to pro sites that cost money and all that good stuff.  Regardless of who is talking, I will never take anything seriously that far in advance.  Now that it appears things are coming together, I must say I am surprised.

Clearly this is not something to get excited about.  Unless the chance of snow in October gets you excited, then by all means jump up and down and enjoy this great weekend.  The first disturbance to pass tomorrow could provide some mixing in areas to the north of the valley.  Notice the 33 degree low and anything is possible.  Remember, it does not have to be 32 or colder to produce snow depending on temperatures above ground level.  The second system for Saturday is more up in the air as the track (go figure) will play a big role.  The unusual cold will be there.

In the perfect setup, the storm would cut through the area in a similar pattern to the one I discussed in my winter prediction.  Snow to the west, snow/mix in our area and a plain rain through the 95.  It would at least make me look somewhat smart early into the winter season.  Yeah, I can't believe it either.  Almost two full months before the official start and I already said winter season.


Anonymous,  October 27, 2011 at 8:13 AM  

RD-So are there any statistics for the following:
1. If it snows in October, does the winter season generally last longer or is it shorter?
2. If it snows in October, what is usually the date of the LAST snowfall of the winter season?
3. If it snows in October, are the winter temperatures generally higher than normal, about normal, lower than normal?
4. If it snows in October, is total snow accumulation generally higher than normal, about normal, lower than normal?
Just curious . . .

r. david October 27, 2011 at 8:48 PM  

I would have no idea and I'm not sure there is a correlation between anything. The only thing I have been hearing is that the worst of our winter will be in the beginning.

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