Winter Weather Advisory

October Snowstorm

>> Saturday, October 29, 2011

Here is the final map I will use as the snow has begun to fall here in Berks County.  If you averaged everything out I would expect 6-8 inches from Reading to Allentown.  Both maps seem to agree.

I will be adding pictures every hour or so of conditions and accumulation totals.  Afternoon should get much worse.  Latest model run for accumulation totals has places from Allentown following I-78 to New York receiving more than a foot.  Dad, good luck up on your perch.  Hopefully we keep power and trees stay strong.  Would not be shocked to see 15-18 inches up there.

Pictures to begin shortly...

10:00 a.m. 

1/2 an inch so far and starting to pick up in intensity.
Starting to stick on driveways and the edge of the road.  Must say I am pretty surprised already.  Didn't expect it to start sticking this soon.  Conditions certainly will be heading downhill.

11:00 a.m.

Snowing heavily.  Approaching two inches and by the picture below it has clearly started to stick to everything within the last hour.  Have to assume now that the roads will start to get poor much earlier than expected.

Don't want to post too many pictures on here so that it becomes hard to read.  I might start a slide-show.  Trees are really taking a pounding and I don't think it will be long before the one in front of the house goes.  Has all its leaves on the tree still.

Noon:  First plow of the year came through at exactly 12.  Three minutes later the road is covered again even with putting salt down.  Went out to measure on my back deck and down goes a large tree.  This is going to be a long day in terms of tree damage.  I'd expect millions of people to be without power by tonight.

1:15:  Still snowing at a solid rate but with dry air starting to invade and heavier precip west and east I don't see Reading getting the same totals as the others I've listed on the right side of the page.  Even Philadelphia is in really heavy bands.  Either way, I think we have lost power 4 or 5 times now so not sure how long I will be able to keep posting.  Sitting around four inches right now.  Highest reported total from the Mt. Holly station is (go figure) in Berks with Huff's Church (look it up) at 5.5 inches.

7:20 Final Update:  Power is back and the snow is tapering off.  NOAA totals for various areas even included my own town of Blandon.  30 minutes ago they reported 7 inches.  Don't expect to see much more.  If only somebody had predicted that at the beginning of the day at the top of this page.  It's been a long day and there is still some shoveling yet to do.  Because now that I checked my e-mail, my Sunday morning race is still on.

Should be a fun 32 degree run after a snowstorm in October.  Most of that sentence made very little sense.


Anonymous,  October 29, 2011 at 12:04 PM  

RD-I'm online and will stay online awaiting your picture updates! Thanks for all your hard work in keeping people up to date on the storm.

Anonymous,  October 29, 2011 at 2:15 PM  

2:00p-About 6-7", blowing snow, lights flickered a few times but no power outage...yet.

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