Winter Weather Advisory

Late Season Snow

>> Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I guess if there is good news, the winter storm watch that had been issued throughout most of the day for tomorrow has been downgraded.  I can't say I'm surprised.  The fact that at one point, the watch was for 4-8 inches of snow for the valley just seemed strange.  What I had assumed and correctly predicted is that the advisories are out for most of the area except the areas to the south.

Here is the map from the National Weather Service

I really posted this for historical purposes to see how late in the season we still see winter weather warnings.  Now I can mark March 22-23 down and have the picture proof.  I personally don't think anything south of Reading will see problems.  It's going to be the line right around Allentown and points north that see tricky weather and of course, residents in higher elevations will also see more of the snow and mix.  Snowstorms in March, especially with the clock change, become less of a hazard.  Temperatures are generally warmer longer, the angle of the sun continues to change and warm the atmosphere, and as we've seen this season and every one before it, temperatures constantly fluctuate.  In a sense, you need the perfect set up and this pattern we are in now is close to perfection for late snow. 

Oddly enough, temperatures will continue to drop even after this system moves through.  And now that I opened my yap and said this would "certainly" be the last winter event of the season, I guess I have to hope this pattern breaks quickly.  Because as of right now there are more chances for snow Sunday and another shot next week.  And both could be bigger than tomorrow's event.  Guess I will have to post the next winter weather watches and move the date even further into spring.


Anonymous,  March 23, 2011 at 8:36 AM  

RD-So much for global warming...I mean "climate change."

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