Winter Weather Advisory

March Snow

>> Monday, March 7, 2011

Snowstorms in March are not uncommon especially early.  However, I think most people in central and northern PA got a little more than expected.  And even if you didn't see what they saw, it's that time of year when you can go out in shorts with temps in the mid 50's with rain and wake up 18 hours later with snow on your car.

I'm impressed.  State College came in with 10 inches as did Williamsport.  If you look at the top of the map you will see a 20 inch total.  Once again, like most storms in our area, look at the cut offs.  The sweeping cold never quite got into our area to give us any decent amount.

More to come tomorrow including the next soaking event on Thursday, finally a quiet weekend and yes, the snow word creeps back into the picture towards the end of the month.  That's right.  As we approach April, there is still snow in the forecast.  Although this might be another one for our friends to the north.


Anonymous,  March 8, 2011 at 2:09 AM  

RD-I like the new picture on your top banner.

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