Winter Weather Advisory

Morning Update 2

>> Wednesday, January 20, 2016

It comes as little surprise that once the storm hit the west coast the models began to disagree.  The trend even yesterday morning took the heaviest snowfall slightly south of previous runs.  Tracking every run can be a headache.  That's why I'd recommend picking a certain run time and sticking with it each day so you can see the difference in a 24 hour window.  The talk yesterday was of confusion with the Euro.  I checked it last night and yes, the run basically showed no snow for our area.  This morning the story changed back.

Here is a look at the same models posted yesterday morning.

The Euro above remains consistent.  That line to the north is still something to really watch.  I'm not sure how far north this storm gets but it's looking better each day that if you want bigger snow totals you have to go south.  Quite frankly I'm pleased to see how similar this is to yesterday.  We don't get rocked, but we still see a solid snowstorm.

If you look at the Canadian from yesterday you will clearly see a shift to the south as far as the northern edge of the snow goes.  In fact it's not all that different from the Euro run.  The exception is this model keeps our area in heavy snow. 

The GFS remains consistent with the intensity of the storm.  Again the totals are similar to yesterday.  The storm has a tremendous amount of moisture as it moves into our area, slows down a bit as high pressure blocks off a northern escape and give us a prolonged snowfall. 

If you took all the models and averaged them out you would be looking at 15 to 16 inches of snow.  By this evening I think we will know a lot more.  Let the information from today come in before starting to narrow down snow totals.  Even today might be a bit early. 

I will try to do another post if I have time tonight.  Otherwise I will be back with my early morning update part three.


Anonymous,  January 20, 2016 at 8:22 AM  

RD-Your comments "track" with everything I've been hearing on TV and reading on the internet. As far as I'm concerned, if I can't just shovel my driveway but have to use the snow blower, then it's a "significant" snowfall.

Let us know the "start" time of this "event" on Friday/Saturday. I guess Saturday will be an indoor day for people like me. Not sure what people like you will be doing during the day on Saturday while it's still snowing.


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