Winter Weather Advisory

Winter Weather Advisory

>> Thursday, January 6, 2011

The entire valley including our New Jersey neighbors and points south and east are under a Winter Weather Advisory from the early morning hours until 7 p.m. tomorrow. 

I am sticking with my guns on this one.  I'm not changing my snowfall map from yesterday or virtually anything that I have said all week.  I'm still not even that convinced that the morning rush (depending on what time you would consider that to be) will be greatly affected.  It's really somewhat of an oddity for what is predicted to happen.  In a way, many areas will, for a brief period, pick up most of the snow total in what I could only describe as ocean-enhanced snow.

And what I mean by this is that the clipper is coming across the area with very little moisture, but as it nears the coast, cold air from the north and west will converge with ocean air from the south and east to form what I can only describe as a ringer.  Think wet dish rag rolled up lengthwise.  The tighter you roll it, the more water comes out.

Here is my map for the day.  One of the first to not show actual precipitation and perhaps the last for awhile if things hold true for next week.

This is taken from the last WRF model for tomorrow midday.  Notice the directional arrows from the westerly winds, then the easterly winds off the ocean and finally the arrows that almost form a solid line through Berks county.  That solid line is your very brief burst of heavier snow, i.e. the ringer affect.  This particular model shows every three hours, and the next image has this "track" along the Delaware River, then over New York City where the track sits a little longer and gives them more accumulations.   

Just to see the difference.  This is the same model, except these are the predicted winds by Sunday at midnight.  This would be a typical wind pattern for our area with winds from west to east.


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